Sunday, March 8, 2020

Respond To Evaluating Job Analysis Approaches Example

Respond To Evaluating Job Analysis Approaches Example Respond To Evaluating Job Analysis Approaches – Coursework Example Response to Evaluating Job Analysis Approaches Lecturer From the posting, job analysis models are essential in helping the organizational management in making hiring, wage, salary and promotion decisions, as well as the identification of the specific work requirement of a particular job. The process entails determining, analyzing and structuring the information about the characteristic, requirements and job components and is important to ensure that the right people are hired in the correct organizational positions. PAQ and task surveys are useful in the process (Sanchez, 2000). PAQs is a deductive method that involves studying multiple jobs where Information gets collected about the job and it is input into a system of job descriptors which gets interpreted as quantitative scores and can be used virtually in any job in the industry. On the other hand, task survey employs a deductive approach and is used in the provision of duties required in performing a particular task (Singh, 2008 ). I support the idea that task surveys are more effective in court proceeding over PAQs as a number of limitations have been identified. It has been noted that PAQs questionnaires have a lot of faults. Another issue on PAQs utilization is on the domain of job that it appropriately covers. It appears more suited for utilization in manufacturing and blue-collar jobs as opposed to the technical and managerial jobs. Moreover, the method does not describe specific behavioral similarities and work activities in the jobs that may mask genuine differences in tasks between them. An example is represented in a housewife and police officer profile as a result of emergency handling and troubleshooting orientation that are necessary for the two positions. Readability is also a main concern with PAQs utilization, and it will require a higher level of reading such as college level for an individual to comprehend the items (Poole, 2000).ReferencesPoole, D. L. (2000). Evaluating Performance Measure ment Systems in Nonprofit Agencies: The Program Accountability Quality Scale (PAQS). American Journal of Evaluation. doi:10.1177/109821400002100102Sanchez, J. I., & Levine, E. L. (2000). Accuracy or consequential validity: Which is the better standard for job analysis data? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(7), 809818Singh, P. (2008). Job analysis for a changing workplace. Human Resource Management Review, 18, 87–99. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2008.03.004

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